What Are the Best After Market Spreader Parts?

Your spreader is a very important tool that helps you get a lot of important work done. Whether you use it on a farm, in your big backyard garden, or at your job, it spreads seeds, fertilizer, and other things where they need to go. Sometimes it almost literally feeds you. But over time, spreaders can start to slow down if some parts get old or worn out. For more detailed information and a selection of available parts, see after market spreader parts.

My Spreader Performing wasn’t as Expected

Let me tell you a story – I had a spreader I used on my uncle’s farm for years. It got me through many long days spreading feed for the animals. But one spring, it started acting funny. It wasn’t spreading the feed as far and some spots weren’t getting enough. I knew it was time for some new parts.

I went online and found a place that had all kinds of spreader parts. They had the pieces that make the spreader work hard like you need it to. Things like discs that spin and throw the feed, engines and gears that power it all, tires to roll over rough ground, and more.

The Mechanics of a Spreader

The Mechanics of a Spreader

Probably you were not interested in how it works while it is working. The concept behind broadcast spreaders is quite simple to understand. Imagine a large container, which we call a hopper, positioned right above a disk that’s spinning horizontally. This disk is special, it has 3 or 4 fins attached to it. As the material, like seeds or fertilizer, drops from the hopper, these fins on the disk throw it out and away from the spreader, covering a wide area.

After looking through what they had, I realized my spreader’s discs and engine were pretty tired. The discs weren’t spinning as fast to throw the feed far and the engine was struggling. So I ordered new heavy-duty discs and a rebuilt engine right for my spreader model.

Installing them wasn’t too hard since I got pieces of advice from professionals, including the most important directions. The new parts really made a difference – my spreader was spreading feed twice as far! It worked like new again and got me through the whole season without any problems. I was saving lots of time not having to make extra passes to spread it all.

The Mechanics of a Spreader

You’re probably wondering – how does a spreader even work to spread all that seed and feed? Well, it starts with those spinning discs I told you about. They are attached to the engine which powers them to spin very fast. As they spin, little wings or edges on the discs fling the material from the spreader’s hopper out in a big circle pattern.

That’s where things like deflectors come in. Deflectors are pieces above or around the discs that help guide and spread out the material even more as it leaves the spreader. High-quality deflectors made of strong plastic or metal last longer and spread more evenly without clumps.

Of course, without a strong engine and transmission to power it all, nothing would spin! The engine gives the spreader its “go” to operate for hours at a time. The transmission connects the engine’s power to make the discs and wheels turn. Together they make up the muscle that keeps everything moving.

The Mechanics of a Spreader

Tires are also super important. They roll the whole heavy spreader over all kinds of terrain from fields to gravel roads. Tires need good traction for climbing hills with a full hopper load. Rims hold each tire in place securely. I’ve gotten stuck before changing to bigger tires with deeper treads!

Even small parts inside like bearings and bushings help the spreader run smoothly. Bearings reduce friction so moving parts can spin with less effort. And bushings guide moving pieces without wearing them out over time. It’s amazing how well machines work when everything flows together with low friction.

Of course, you also need to contain and control the material being spread. That’s where things like tank covers, grates and hardware come in. Tank covers seal in seeds and fertilizers. Grates regulate the flow out of the hopper. Nuts, bolts, and fasteners hold all the critical pieces securely in place no matter the conditions.

When choosing replacement parts, it’s good to think about how and where you use your spreader most. For example, if you spread feed on hilly ranch land, you’ll want strong discs, a rugged engine, and big treaded tires. Whereas spreading grass seed in a soccer field may need smooth-rolling pneumatic tires instead of treaded ones.

The Mechanics of a Spreader

It’s also important to install parts right by following directions carefully. And keep doing regular maintenance like greasing moving parts and checking bolts for tightness. This helps everything last as long as possible. Quality replacement parts can cost more upfront than cheap ones. But they save money in the long run by not breaking down as fast. You don’t waste time making repairs!

With the right parts, your spreader will spread exactly as far and evenly as needed for the job. Whether spreading 50 pounds of seed on a baseball diamond or 2 tons of fertilizer on a wheat field, a well-maintained spreader means less wasted material and more money in your pocket. It’s like having a reliable right-hand man you can count on season after season.


I hope sharing my experience with spreader parts has helped explain how they work and why choosing quality is key. The main things to remember are to inspect your spreader regularly, replace parts when worn, and always choose durable brands for parts that fit your specific needs. With the right maintenance, your spreader can work for many years, saving you time and money.

About Ivan Hancko

I am Ivan Hancko, a content editor at jewelbeat.com. My interests revolve around website design, photo editing, front-end development, and working on Adobe Illustrator, Canva, and similar tools. I enjoy fixing broken things and taking on household tasks, including interior and exterior design and adaptation. Currently, as a professional, I actively participate in the sport of 9-pin bowling (not the classic American bowling). I'm a family man and father to a wonderful daughter. I love long, brisk walks, cycling, and being in nature.

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