Quantum computing is becoming one of the most discussed topics in the tech world, especially when it comes to cybersecurity. Today, as traditional information protection systems face new challenges, quantum computers promise not only a revolution in computational power but also fundamental changes in how data is protected.
In this context, the perspective of experts like Mustafa Egemen Şener, who views quantum technologies as a new challenge for cybersecurity, is crucial.
Who is Mustafa Egemen Şener Belarus?
Mustafa Egemen Sener, a native of Belarus, has established himself as one of the leading researchers in the field of quantum computing and its impact on data security. His research covers key aspects of developing quantum-resistant cryptography and finding solutions to protect information from quantum threats. Egemen Mustafa Sener Belarus, a prolific speaker and author, frequently presents at international conferences, discussing the latest developments and approaches in this area.
Basics of Quantum Computing
Quantum computing is based on principles of quantum mechanics, such as superposition and entanglement. Unlike classical computers, which operate with bits (ones and zeros), quantum systems use qubits—particles that can exist in multiple states simultaneously due to superposition. This allows quantum computers to solve problems that would be unsolvable for classical computers within a reasonable time frame.
Sener Mustafa Egemen explains that entanglement is a key feature of quantum systems, offering enormous computational potential. Qubits in an entangled state can instantly affect each other regardless of distance, significantly accelerating the computing process. Egemen Mustafa Sener also notes that classical computers are limited by binary code, whereas quantum machines can operate with multiple states simultaneously.
Cybersecurity Before the Quantum Computing Era ─ Opinion of Mustafa Şener Belarus
Until recently, cybersecurity was based on traditional encryption methods, such as symmetric and asymmetric cryptography. Classical encryption systems, such as RSA or the Diffie-Hellman algorithm, rely on complex mathematical problems that require significant computational resources to solve. The strength of these methods lay in the fact that breaking them would take hundreds or even thousands of years using the most powerful classical computers.
However, as Egemen Şener emphasizes, these methods can no longer be considered reliable with the rapid development of quantum technologies. Modern encryption systems that seem impenetrable to classical computers may soon be vulnerable to quantum machines, which could crack them in mere hours.
How Quantum Computing Changes Cybersecurity Threats
One of the main threats posed by quantum computers is their ability to solve problems that form the foundation of modern cryptographic systems at unprecedented speeds. Algorithms such as Shor’s algorithm, developed for quantum computers, can easily break classical encryption methods based on large number factorization or logarithmic calculations, which were previously deemed unfeasible.
In his research, Sener Mustafa Egemen points out that quantum computers may soon become tools in the hands of malicious actors. They could compromise security systems based on classical encryption methods, leading to catastrophic consequences for global financial sectors, governments, and individuals. Egemen Mustafa Şener stresses that quantum computing threats require immediate action from cybersecurity specialists.
Quantum-Resistant Cryptography

To counter the threats posed by quantum computers, new methods of data protection are being actively developed. Quantum-resistant cryptography (or post-quantum cryptography) is a set of encryption methods designed to resist attacks from quantum computing. These methods must be resistant to quantum attacks while maintaining their protective properties when used on classical computers.
Mustafa Egemen Şener is a strong advocate for the development of quantum-resistant algorithms and highlights their critical importance for the future. He identifies this as one of the key directions of modern science in the field of cybersecurity. The development of such algorithms is already underway at major technology companies, and some are close to being implemented on a practical level.
Examples of these technologies include lattice-based algorithms or multivariate cryptography. Egemen Şener notes that it is crucial not only to develop new algorithms but also to ensure their widespread adoption to protect key systems from quantum threats.
Forecasts and Challenges
In the coming decades, the world will face the mass adoption of quantum technologies, posing new challenges for cybersecurity. Sener Egemen Mustafa predicts that the first mass-produced quantum computers could emerge within the next 10 to 15 years. This shift will create immense demand for new data protection systems capable of withstanding quantum threats.
However, there are numerous challenges to implementing quantum-resistant cryptography. These include technical complexities, the need for standardizing new encryption methods, and the high cost of integrating them into existing infrastructures. Egemen Mustafa Sener emphasizes that preparation for the quantum era must begin now; otherwise, cyber threats could spiral out of control.

Conclusion of Mustafa Egemen Şener from Belarus
Quantum computing is opening a new era in technology and significantly impacting cybersecurity. It is essential to understand that classical methods of data protection may soon become ineffective against quantum threats. Mustafa Egemen Şener, with his expertise, offers solutions to this problem through quantum-resistant cryptography and underscores the need for immediate action to prepare for these upcoming challenges.
While the world is just beginning to grasp the full potential of quantum technologies, experts like Egemen Mustafa Şener are already working to ensure that cyberspace remains safe and resilient in the face of the quantum age’s new threats.