
How Indoor Air Quality Can Contribute to Asthma and Allergies?

Every spring, we get the period when everything blossoms and some beautiful days are ahead of us. Even though most people love when this happens, some don’t have a good time. It’s because this blossoming causes numerous allergies, and people are sneezing, and they get runny nose congestion.

Some of the symptoms can be even worse. For instance, those who have asthma are certainly about to face a rather hard period. We can see that the number of people who suffer from these allergies has increased in the last two decades. In fact, more and more children experience these problems.

One way to prevent these problems is to enhance the air quality in your home. You can do that by mounting a quality AC system. If you need help with servicing these, be sure to visit White Umbrella AC servicing. Now, let’s see how air quality can help with managing asthma and allergies. Also, we want to talk about how can you achieve this quality. Let’s begin.

1. Pollen and Asthma


As you probably know, asthma is caused by allergies, which are triggered by pollen. It’s rather simple to explain something like this. It occurs when someone allergic inhales pollen. Sometimes, this can lead to an asthma attack. Some reports state that this is a condition that’s on the rise in the United States.

On the other hand, numerous studies have confirmed that being exposed to pollen surges the chances of suffering from asthma by more than fifty percent. The problem arises when people don’t know how to protect themselves from pollen. Improving indoor air quality can be a way to go.

2. Humidity and Temperature

Another thing that can trigger asthma is temperature impact and humidity. For example, humidity can have a negative effect by enhancing the thriving of mold and dust mites. Both of them can affect a person’s ability to breathe properly. To be precise, after pollen, these are the main triggers of asthma.

Having quality ventilation inside your home is a great way for you to prevent humidity. When you are about to cook something, make sure that you open a ventilation hood. With temperature, try to lower it down as much as possible, by having proper control over a thermostat, which is not a hard thing to do.

3. CO2


The final aspect good AC system that can help with regulating indoor quality is controlling CO2, through proper ventilation. We know, that many people presume that opening a window is something that will resolve the problem at hand. It can help, but it cannot provide a solution for the whole problem.

That’s why it is of the utmost importance to ensure that the ventilation systems are efficient. Not to mention that opening windows can backfire for the simple reason that pollen can go through them easily. To be able to prevent this from happening, you should focus on the efficiency of your AC system to provide a much more pleasant setting in your home.

How Can You Achieve It?

Improving ventilation doesn’t require any effort or investment on your behalf. We’ve discussed how opening a window or door can help with improving indoor air quality. Naturally, you need to make sure that there’s no pollen in your surrounding that can affect your breathing.

There’s a way you can prevent these problems from occurring. You can do that by focusing the ventilation on the spaces where you can prevent pollen from entering. Now, we want to discuss some approaches that can help with increasing your indoor air quality. They are a great option for all the systems out there, you can be sure of that.

1. Change Filters Frequently


The air condition system always works to deliver your home with a comfortable temperature throughout the year. You certainly know that these processes are done through air cycling through filters. These filters prevent any pollutants from entering your home. However, they need replacement.

If you don’t do that, they can stop doing their job properly. Plus, it can lead to the quality of the AC system dropping significantly. Without any doubt, you will need to invest a lot of money to repair these. We are certain nobody wants to waste money on something like that. Therefore, you should change them frequently.

2. Air Ducts

Air ducts have a goal of distributing both cold and hot air and delivering a proper climate in each room inside your house. What needs to be said about these is that, when not installed properly, they can lead to a wide array of different problems, mainly health problems.

Also, the drop in air quality is caused by the accumulation of dander, fungus, and dirt inside these ducts. Thankfully, cleaning these is not a complex task. You can do it on your own. But, if you are not sure how it’s done, we recommend you hire a professional to take care of this problem.

3. Check Heating


Finally, we want to point out the importance of checking your heating systems frequently. To be precise, some of these systems can have quite a big negative impact on the air inside your home. Just think about that, burning wood can release numerous harmful elements, which can cause many problems. Preventing these is a must.

The same can be said about systems that use gas. They release a huge amount of carbon monoxide. Those who are not aware of what this one is should know that it is a gas that can cause death by suffocation. If you’re lucky enough to have electric or solar heating systems, you can prevent these issues.

In Conclusion

As we’ve stated, indoor air quality can have a negative effect on people who have asthma and are prone to numerous allergies. Here, you can take a look at how various elements can affect this condition. Also, we’ve shown some approaches you can use to achieve the highest possible level of air quality in your home. We’re sure you will find this guide of ours useful.

About Kane Dane

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