Despite all the technology and knowledge people have access to these days, there are still many misconceptions about a lot of things or professions. One of the professions that have been under a lot of stigmas until recently is escort services. Surely, you have heard all about the myths about this line of work. It could be said that this line of work was, let’s say, controversial in the past.
However, when you take a look at the current situation, you’ll see that this is not the case these days. We are talking about a regulated industry, that has its own rules, and therefore, the service provided to the customers is of the highest possible quality. Naturally, not only workers and agencies need to stick to these rules. Customers also need to be aware of these before they decide to hire someone.
Thankfully, coming across this sort of information is not as hard as it used to be. Not to mention that there are a couple of types of service you can get for your money. For example, finding a travel companion escort is now a possibility. Now, we want to address some of the commonest misconceptions people have about this line of work, even in this day and age.
1. Workers Look for a Sponsor

The first myth we want to talk about is important to discuss. People who work within this industry do it for obvious benefits, financial and personal freedom. They do not need anyone to take care of them and attend to their every need. Not to mention that they are frequently underestimated as not being intelligent enough for any other field of work. It is simply not true.
The myth we want to talk about is all of the workers looking for a sponsor or sugar daddy. We believe that there is more of this to people who do not work in these agencies. It is a career, like any other, and there shouldn’t be any misconception about it. For some reason, a lot of people still do not believe that these are people as any other, with all the fears, needs, cravings, and dreams.
2. It’s Only Sex Work

Probably the most widespread misconception people have about escort service workers is that they are sex workers, and nothing more than that. However, we feel that taking a look from another perspective can shine a light on it. Just think about it, if it is only sex work, why doesn’t this service last only for an hour or two. There are cases, where people ask for these services to last for a couple of days, even weeks.
It usually happens when someone looks for a company while on travel. So, you can see that there is way more behind it than just sexual intercourse. Not to mention that every worker has a personality that makes them unique and interesting for clients. Besides that, the agreement client and the agency sign can determine whether there will be sexual intercourse. It is possible for this not to be included.
3. Escorts are Unhygienic

Common folk’s opinion is that a majority of escorts are unhygienic, which means that they carry diseases. While we cannot say that this cannot happen, this is not the truth in a vast majority of cases. The truth is, escorts who are open to having sexual intercourse with clients will not do it without protection. Remember, they also want to protect themselves from potential dangers, not just clients.
Plus, escorts always undergo medical examinations. So, those who work will always have proof that they’re completely healthy. The agency protects its workers from unpleasant situations. You will certainly agree that nobody likes when something like this happens. Therefore, these situations are prevented long before they even can happen. For that reason, we can say that this misconception, or myth, is officially debunked.
4. Workers are Single

We want to talk about the myth which says that all the workers are single. But, when you take a closer look at it, you will see that this is simply not true. People often forget that working for an escort agency is a career decision. That doesn’t mean that those who have opted for this way of life do not have a strong relationship, marriage, even children.
Since this line of work can have a sexual touch sometimes, many are not sure whether anyone would like to have something more with these people. Those who were lucky enough to find someone who understands that this is a job position, and nothing more than that, are mostly in relationships that will last for quite long. So, those who ask for these services should respect that.
5. Clients are Always Rude

A popular opinion says that clients who are interested in these services are always rude to the individuals they hire. Sure, there are some examples of this happening, but that doesn’t mean that this is a rule. In fact, we’ve talked about how clients need to be aware of some rules, that apply both for them and for the agency.
One of the most important ones is that they can be held accountable if something bad happens to the worker. Besides that, the person hired to do the job can always quit if something is wrong with the client’s behavior. Sensing the danger is something escorts are trained to perceive before it even happens. As a precaution, they have the freedom to abandon the client if they do not feel safe in that company.
To be honest, we are not sure why there is still a lot of stigma in some parts of our society. We’re all people, and we do what we need to do, to progress further in life. Here, we’ve talked about the commonest misconceptions people have about escort agencies, people who work there, and those in need of these services. We believe that this insight will shine a light on this topic, and present it as it is.