Becoming a professional gambler is something many people are dreaming of achieving. Naturally, establishing gambling as a stable income is not possible in any case. There are a lot of things that need to fall in line for that to happen, not just skills at a particular game, but also a lot of luck down the road.
Those who are not experienced in this industry think about becoming professional gamblers as a job with a monthly salary. But when you scratch the surface, you will see that this is not the case.
You need to participate in numerous tournaments out there, and it is also important to gamble online as much as possible.
Thankfully, this is now a possibility, not just to gamble for real money, but also to practice a certain game as much as possible via the trial version of the game. One of the most popular casino games you will find out there is Blackjack. Today, we want to talk about whether is it possible to become a professional blackjack player. If you want to take a look at sites where you can participate in this one, visit
Without further ado, let’s take a look at the most important aspects to take a look at.
Are There Professionals?

The first question is whether there are professionals in this game. Well, it needs to be said that professional blackjack players are completely different from, let’s say, poker players. There is no real blackjack tournament for you to participate in. However, it is possible to live by visiting casinos and playing this game frequently.
If we are talking about going to a real casino, you will see that counting cards are not allowed. But that doesn’t mean that you are not able to use this strategy when you’re playing online. Naturally, to start this journey properly, you would need to come up with a bankroll that’s big enough to sustain beginner’s mistakes.
For that reason, we would recommend you focus on online gambling. Since this is a possibility, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t participate in the game this way. You don’t need to spend any money or time commuting. Instead, you can complete all the things immediately, without any limitations.
Possible Income
One of the biggest fears many players have about blackjack is that they will have to memorize all the cards that appear on the table. When you take a look at it more closely, you will see that this is not the case. Many strategies can help you with remembering these cards much easier.
As you can imagine, the income you can expect depends solely on your skills and luck. Naturally, you cannot expect it to be at the highest possible level at any time. But that doesn’t mean that you cannot have some steady income that will ensure you at least some financial safety down the road.
When it comes to the money itself, there’s no way to establish how much of it you can expect to earn. As we’ve said, this is something that depends on numerous aspects. It is not possible to make any predictions about this whatsoever. But if you are good enough, it can guarantee you at least some level of income.
The Budget

Knowing how to manage your money is an absolute must when you are a gambler. It is possible to expect things like an adrenaline rush, which means that you will chase after losses. It is something that never ends well, and you need to have complete control over your emotions, especially when you are low on budget.
Managing your budget is not an easy thing, even though it may seem like it. Instead, you need to focus on being in complete control over your actions at all times. Sometimes, this can be too much for someone to handle. Therefore, you should invest your best efforts to be as in control as possible.
Best Known Players

Now, let’s take a look at the best-known players out there.
1. Don Johnson
Probably the best-known name in blackjack is the famous actor Don Johnson. He is known as a competent player who has decades of experience playing this game. According to numerous interviews he gave, he stated that he prefers blackjack and poker, but if he would choose one of these, he would say blackjack.
One time he state that he got in touch with the game for the first time back in the late seventies. His scores and winnings are not known since he didn’t make them public at all. However, there are numerous testimonies about people seeing him in a casino and being on a winning streak.
2. Henry Tamburin
The next familiar face we want to talk about is Henry Tamburin. He wouldn’t be as known as he is if he wasn’t an author of a well-known book about how to play blackjack properly. Once he said that he started playing this game with his friends when he was in high school. Since then, he managed to sharpen his skills immensely.
In the book he wrote, you can see that everything revolves around math when it comes down to blackjack. The author participates in some blackjack promotional tours as the main face of the event. Since his first appearance, he has become well-known in these circles.
3. James Grosjean
Lastly, we want to talk about James Grosjean. He is someone who is truly a professional in this game, and he openly states he doesn’t do anything in his life than play this game. As is the case with previous entries, he also started to play this game when he was just a young kid. Over time, he mastered counting cards before they became forbidden in casinos in Las Vegas and Atlantic City.
The Bottom Line
Becoming a blackjack professional is widely different than in the case of other games out there. But this is not something that should discourage you from trying to become as best as you can.
Here, we’ve shined a light on the topic of professionalism in this game and how it can be achieved.